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Emergence of Shared Services in Outsourcing Segment

Outsourcing service providers have skilled expertise in managed operations, shared services and co-sourcing. They produce speedy yet quality results at short turnaround time. Timely responses and deliveries with high-quality services assure customer delight with minimal dissatisfaction rating. Majority of vendors lay down multiple options that make outsourcing more appealing and cost-efficient.  Setups such as serviced offices, seat leasing services, shared services facilities or co-working spaces lay down flexible business approaches vary from one client to another. It also streamlines the readiness of providers for a client’s growth and expansion which is among any outsourcer’s motivation in securing offshore operations.

Shared services

Ernst and Young’s (EY) Global Delivery Network (GDN) recognizes the boom of the shared services in the outsourcing economic sector globally. The Philippines play an important role in the global economy arena as it taps diverse groups of highly skilled people around the world ensuring ability to deliver exceptional yet cheaper services to clients. Further, the Asian Development Bank and World Bank remarked on the country’s high growth probability until 2020 and beyond. It’s clearly visible that the sector’s directional outlook is highly positive.

Offerings are highly streamlined yet carefully assessed. These are based on the best multi-industry standard practices that are executed and delivered using a cost-effective mix of pre-secured resources. In order to minimize the risks client’s face when outsourcing, BPOs gain leverage through their relevant infrastructure, industry experience and systematic work approach, market expertise and diversified talent pool for specific services. They help improve the outsourcer’s output and efficiency through delivering quality results using simplified complex services performed by professional telemarketing, technical support and chat services round the clock, 24/7 at minimal prices.

Leveraging through multi-discipline expertise access is a guaranteed benefit. BPOs provide accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparation, invoicing, billing, coding and claims adjudication processing to assist clients’ business processes while meeting or improving their client’s financial goal as part of the mandate. Amplifying a client’s progress by providing reliably accurate data entry and business processing services in clear formats and using customized software makes outsourcing the best alternative there is.

BPOs also help promote a client’s unique business personality with artistic work, graphic designs, and well-crafted videos or animations in all media channels.  Company websites and portfolios flawlessly with cutting-edge civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering or architectural solutions at attractive rates and short turnaround are also provided for. More so, all approaches are backed-up with reliable business and market research, competitor analysis, industry profiling databases and business leader consultations to help outsourcers get ahead of the competition.

Outsourcing gives outsource buyers an edge at the very moment of engagement. Not only does these approaches allow businesses to cut down operational costs, reduce risks and retain control over the project at all times but efficiency is never compromised when it comes to the quality, availability and timeliness of services.

Shared services are widely available in the Philippine National Capital Region’s metropolitan and business districts from Alabang in the South to Ortigas in the North offering much preferred benefits like monetary savings, data security, scalability, quality assurance, professional services and effective risk management.

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